Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ack! My friends just come up with too many wonderful things.

Amanda Jain found this doing research at the Lee-Fendell house.

Alexandria Gazette, September 6, 1851:

WANTED, A HUSBAND.—Being desirous of entering into the holy state of Matrimony, with a sensible, loveable man, I have adopted this plan to accomplish that, which, by the custom of the world, I am debarred from doing in any other fashion. As no one will buy a pig in a poke, or trust to lottery chances, I feel it incumbent upon me to say, that I am what the world calls handsome, and have a disposition to drive away dull care. My husband must be from 20 to 30; good sense preferred to good looks; and no simpering fool, who imagines a lady taken off her feet, by his smiles, no uneducated ape in lavender kids and yellow stick, no mature dandy, such as promenade for smiles of silly girls and impudent starers, no mustachioed baboon, need apply, as no one will please me but a sensible, educated gentleman, who appreciates domestic happiness by the possession of one heart. If such an one is desirous of taking to himself a wife, who has a small fortune, and who would try to make her husband happy, he will receive the attention of the advertiser, by addressing through the Post Office, a note to ADA.

As some of us dec art geeks know, there was an explosion in flatware during the 19th century, and a lot of it was given as wedding gifts. Here's hopes for ADA (thanks Marissa for the picture)

From Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review.

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