Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Remember these? I want one.

I had one when I was kid but my folks said it broke. I'm increasingly skeptical of what my folks had to say about things.

New batch of magazine covers

Here's the latest batch of magazine covers ( As I was going through these tonight, I saw this posted on Facebook: Not that I'm trying to turn "My Favorite Things" into a forum for my ineffectual outrage regarding media representation of women and (more importantly) what it does to young women in particular, but... it's my blog.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so "Bake up some Valentine's Day Love", but not through your's, so melt some fat stat! 

And now for the closeup...
Everything you could ever want. Chocolate and "TV snacks" that make you thin and full of energy. Which in theory should give you better things to do than watching TV...

I'm also noticing a new theme on these. Tiredness cures. And stress cures. Hmm... This one combines the two. With chocolate cake and corned beef.

As opposed to non-jiggly fat. The 23 pages of dessert recipes should help.

For full disclosure... I study Material Culture, that it, the things societies make and what it says about the people who make them - my particular area of interest is "imaginary" America since about 1876. This is definitely imaginary America.

I also suffered from an eating disorder all through high school, and I would do just about anything to spare the little girls I love the pain of dealing with the impossibility of body image, but I really can't, so I'll just rail against the system. And I'm not immune from it either - I am intelligent, successful, healthy, and most importantly, loved, but those moments of crippling self-doubt don't go away. I was shocked the other day to learn that a friend's wife is exactly the same height and weight that I am. It came up because they've had a hard time getting pregnant and I asked if the doctor had suggested she gain some weight - she always seemed so thin. Granted, we have very different body types, but I was still completely taken aback; it just didn't seem possible.

This is running into the realm of my depressing blog, so I'm going to stop here and go over there. I'll close with saying how lucky I am that I am told, on a regular basis, not that I'm beautiful, because that would be a load of horseshit, but that IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainy days inside.
My stupid white nosed cat.
My pretty black nosed cat.
Warm snuggliness in the morning.
Warm snuggliness at night.
Warm snuggliness during rainy days inside.
Movies that are bad in all the right ways.
Movies that aren't bad in any way whatsoever.
Red kitchen appliances.
The black cords I'm wearing today.
Red wine.
Red wine.
Red wine.
Egg sandwiches at 2 AM.
Finishing a really beautiful baby quilt.
Books, books, books, books, books.
Tom Waits.