Friday, June 3, 2011


Apologies for this brief interlude. Here are some of my favorite YouTube clips, for your enjoyment:

I've had a realization about the magazine covers, but I got a new phone that doesn't have a good camera and that's how I take the pictures and I need to add this month's Women's World cover to the list before I talk about them more because it's Just So Perfect. So stay tuned.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Which libretto are you looking at anyways?

As you may or may not know, I find ephemera fascinating. Like "ephemeral", "ephemera" comes from the Greek ephemer(os), meaning short-lived. Ephemera (singular is ephemeron, and now I'll stop with the dictionary stuff) is printed material that is meant to be transitory or disposable - advertisements, flyers, stage programs, things of that sort.

Saul Zalesch at LSU curates, a lovely collection of ephemera that makes my day just about every day because he sends out notifications almost every day when he adds new stuff.

Anyways, getting to the point... Today's cool thing was a booklet from Sarah Bernhardt's Last Visit to America tour in 1917. It made me think of a passage from Tom Robbins's Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas wherein the speaker was explaining to the protagonist that Sarah Bernhardt was 

"such a powerfully popular, awe-inspiring actress that when she toured in North America her performances invariably sold out, even though she spoke hardly a work of English. Whatever play she did, Shakespeare, Moliere, Marlowe , or whatever , she did in French, a language few nineteenth-century Americans could comprehend. Theatergoers were provided with librettos so that they might follow the action in English. Well, on at least a couple of occasions, ushers passed out the wrong libretto, a text for an entirely different drama than the one that was being staged."

And goes on to compare contemporary society's view of the world as "using the wrong libretto."

I'm not citing Tom Robbins as a great thinker or anything, because I'm not one of those who think he is (although I do like the way he plays with language) I'm just saying that this is what came to mind when I saw the Sarah Bernhardt booklet. I didn't actually even remember it right - as I remembered the passage, it related much more to my own current situation of life bizarreness in that it wasn't that all of humanity was being handed the wrong libretto in terms of the media we are given and told to believe, as Robbins says, but that we were all reading off of different librettos, and that was why nothing made sense.

Anyways, it piqued my overly developed need to determine what can and cannot be termed "factual" so I started just quickly cruising the Web looking to see if the ushers did, in fact, hand out the "wrong libretto." What I found was so much more gratifying. No evidence at all of the ushers screwing up, but a whole bunch of people citing Tom Robbins, believing without verification that the ushers handed out the wrong libretto, and based "deep" life arguments on this. Just as Robbins said we do with the Bible and everything else that's handed to us.

As self-gratifying as that sounds (and it was gratifying, because the people quoting him came across as a bunch of self-congratulating idiots who were willing to swallow whole whatever piece of pop-philosophy came their way), it is part of a larger problem with people and our propensity to believe what we read. Combine that with the Internet and it becomes terrifying. Saturday morning, D. and I were watching some conspiracy theory "documentary" about how the U.S. government is trying to control the world. Because it's not most of the way there already. All of the guys presenting their theories were saying they "saw it on the Internet" or "there's a website that says" or "I can't tell you who told me and I can't produce any evidence but this is what I'm saying so it's real." And people believe this stuff because other people say it and it's convenient to believe.

It'll be interesting to see how this goes down in the next election, given that anyone can say anything without any supporting documentation and some group of people out there will believe them.

"We all know what you're thinking, but it's OK. We like you anyways."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Old people rocking out...

I like it when it's a bit too cold for most people to roll down their windows while they're driving, cause I can roll mine down and rock out without people looking at me funny. Sort of my very much more repressed version of singing in the grocery store cart when I was four.

There are circuses and then there are circuses...

Leaving work today, talking the big budgetary will they/won't they with Jessamyn Modrak and Renee Brown Corbino, I made a snide comment about how I watch a circus every day. Media circus, that is. Not five minutes later I saw a dwarf standing on the corner with a really tall, thin man in a ten gallon hat. And the universe reverberated with laughter at it's own pun. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Remember these? I want one.

I had one when I was kid but my folks said it broke. I'm increasingly skeptical of what my folks had to say about things.

New batch of magazine covers

Here's the latest batch of magazine covers ( As I was going through these tonight, I saw this posted on Facebook: Not that I'm trying to turn "My Favorite Things" into a forum for my ineffectual outrage regarding media representation of women and (more importantly) what it does to young women in particular, but... it's my blog.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so "Bake up some Valentine's Day Love", but not through your's, so melt some fat stat! 

And now for the closeup...
Everything you could ever want. Chocolate and "TV snacks" that make you thin and full of energy. Which in theory should give you better things to do than watching TV...

I'm also noticing a new theme on these. Tiredness cures. And stress cures. Hmm... This one combines the two. With chocolate cake and corned beef.

As opposed to non-jiggly fat. The 23 pages of dessert recipes should help.

For full disclosure... I study Material Culture, that it, the things societies make and what it says about the people who make them - my particular area of interest is "imaginary" America since about 1876. This is definitely imaginary America.

I also suffered from an eating disorder all through high school, and I would do just about anything to spare the little girls I love the pain of dealing with the impossibility of body image, but I really can't, so I'll just rail against the system. And I'm not immune from it either - I am intelligent, successful, healthy, and most importantly, loved, but those moments of crippling self-doubt don't go away. I was shocked the other day to learn that a friend's wife is exactly the same height and weight that I am. It came up because they've had a hard time getting pregnant and I asked if the doctor had suggested she gain some weight - she always seemed so thin. Granted, we have very different body types, but I was still completely taken aback; it just didn't seem possible.

This is running into the realm of my depressing blog, so I'm going to stop here and go over there. I'll close with saying how lucky I am that I am told, on a regular basis, not that I'm beautiful, because that would be a load of horseshit, but that IT DOESN'T MATTER.